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random and pressing details: 11/01/2009 - 12/01/2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

And Now for Something Completely Different...

This is a pic of my family from 1989... Trust me, none of us look like that anymore. But I love that pic of my Mom laughing her a$$ off! I miss her most about this time of year, but I sure am thankful to have been raised by such a fantastic lady!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Most of you will be spending the day stuffing your gob with decadent deliciousness, watching football and either enjoying or enduring family and friends. Some will be cooking themselves into a frenzy. Some will be burning up the highway making the rounds of different dinners and holiday obligations.

And some of you will, like me, be at work.

Now, before you say it, no "awwww's." This is not going in the whiney, self-pitying direction that sentence implies, because I'm a nurse. People don't stop being sick or injured or in need of care just because it's a holiday.

In fact, Thanksgiving being about.... well, being thankful, I find Thanksgiving at the Ranch to be gratitude inducing.

First is the obvious...I'm healthy enough to be at work and not in one of the beds.

Second, my family is healthy enough that I'm not sitting a vigil in the ICU waiting room, pacing the floor while someone I love is in surgery, or impatiently waiting for a doctor to see my family member in the Emergency Department.

Third, I am in a unique position to make a difference. I can make a craptastic situation a little less feces filled for my patients and their families. A smile, a kind word, an extra orange jello and lemonlime shasta... it's little, but when you feel like ass, it's a lot.

And finally, I get to cook on the weekend rather than Thursday, which means, of course I get the turkey after they go on sale!! Usually about half price. So I'm frugal... don't judge me.

So that's what I'm grateful for in working on Thanksgiving.

In general, I'm thankful for my family, my home, my friends and both of my loyal readers! I'm thankful for the opportunity to express myself freely and be accepted for who and what I am. Y'all rock my socks!

This year, I am especially grateful for some new friends in my life, both people I have met on these intrawebs and in-real-life. My life is richer for them.


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I hope the food is fantastic, the football team you root for wins and drunk Uncle Joe doesn't tell any embarrassing stories to your new significant other about the time you.... well, fill in the blank with your most mortifying childhood memory.

Oh, yeah.... don't forget, friends don't let friends drive with the itis... take that nap before you hit the road for home!

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hi! I'm still alive n sh*t...

Eli's birthday party was held at the bowling alley this past Saturday. He and his little minions... I mean friends had a blast. He officially turns 7 tomorrow... Nov. 19. He's growing up so fast!! I love his lil' mocha self!!

So anyone who knows anything about me knows that I have a wonderful kiddo who I love more than socks, chocolate cake, grilled cheese sammiches and air! Eli is smart, funny, creative and sweet. And he luuuuuuuvvvvssss his mama!!

This post is dedicated to him because tomorrow is his bornday!

This is my interview with my son, Elijah. (Pay attention, he's gonna be famous some day!!)

Me: What is your favorite color?

Eli: Red because it's the same color of fire. (Not sure if this should worry me or not...)

Me: What is your favorite book?

Eli: Dinosaur books because they're awesome... their sharp teeth and sharp claws are cool!

Me: Who is your best friend and why?

Eli: I have two best friends. Who are they? First one, Eli H. because he's my neighbor. The other one is Garrick. He lives across the street and lets me play his video games.

Me: What is your favorite passtime? (had to explain "passtime" to him)

Eli: Playing video games.

Me: Even though you don't have a system? (Don't judge me... I would rather he read than play Mario or whatever)

Eli: I also like to tackle people!!! Whenever Garrick has the ball when we're playing outside, I always grab and tackle him. He can never get me.

Me: Do you have any special talents?

Eli: Yes. I can dance Hip Hop. I have really good football talent at tackling. I am learning to play the guitar. That's gonna help me get the chicks!! I write stories for you, Mom. I'm a good reader.

Me: Do you have a girlfriend? (yea, Mom's diggin' for info)

Eli: NO!! Well... Angela, she's a peach girl. I still don't have a brown girlfriend again, but I'm looking. (He's very color literal...*shrug*)

Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Eli: In the military. (He's seen GI Joe a few too many times) Or a Hip Hop guitar player, you know, for the chicks... Or a DJ *insert a mimicking of scratch/mix type actions and a fairly good beatbox beat of about 25 seconds*

Me: What's your favorite thing about school?

Eli: Nothing, really... Reading class and library.

So there you have it. Eli's first official interview. And before you ask, yes, he really is that girl-crazy already. I think it's all the hormones in the poultry. But that's a conspiracy for another blog!

Edit: Yes, those are turntables on his Tee... it's his current favorite. I'm just glad it was clean for the party or it woulda been some drama.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bad Amy!! BAD, BAD Amy!!!

I've been a negligent blog momma lately. I have no excuse for myself. I'll show myself to the corner and think about what I've done....

Ok, not really...

So some randomosity for your perusal...

Fact--I have been pulled over by the Illinois State Police and given (thank you Jesus) a warning citation in EVERY single vehicle I have driven in the last 4 weeks. Seriously. For some bullshiggity, too!! (Burned out light over the license plate on two occasions and 5 miles over the speed limit on the third). One trooper even searched my car because it was after midnight, and when he asked where I was coming from I responded, truthfully, Memphis. Apparently, that was cop code for "illegal stuff in the car." Sorry, Officer Arsehat, I value my child, personal liberty, career and LIFE too much to be that STUPID.

Fact--I checked my myspace page (no, I haven't deleted it yet.... don't judge me!!) and discovered a friend request from my ex-husband. *blank stare* From whom I have been divorced for about a decade n a half.... Yeah.... I don't get it either. Marc was amused. Not sure why. But he's all full of white boy jokes now n whatnot. Funny man, my boo. o_O

Fact--I plucked my eyebrows almost into oblivion tonite. That has nothing to do with anything.
It just is.

Ok, I promise a better post soon, but this is better than nothing. Or maybe it isn't. Oh, well, we'll get over it!

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